Have you ever seen the ancient film „Die Fischerin vom Bodensee“ (the fisherwoman from Bodensee)? Well, maybe it’s not exactly ancient, it was made in 1956 and is one of those folksy, sentimental Austrian movies. Admittedly, I’ve never actually watched it all the way through, but the title song Lied I’ve heard many times before. They even called me the fisherwoman from Bodensee during my internship in Copenhagen, referring to my last name and provenance (Vorarlberg). One of my work colleagues thought this was hilarious and until today hasn’t stopped calling me Fischlein (little fish). And even though I have actually caught a very big fish once, in New Zealand, and have on occasion been known to go fishing, like a fisherwoman, this doesn’t mean it has anything to do with my name. Obviously. But eating fish? Yes please and as much as possible!