Burger with Mango Salsa

Autumn is announcing itself and my kitchen is producing stews, beetroot dishes and soups. Today, I'm planning to go to Burgenland to visit my friend Meli of Das Mundwerk and to take part in the grape harvest. But before that I wanted to have one last barbecue - to mark the end of summer under a warm sun and balmy temperatures.

Grilling with friends has become somewhat of a habit - all you need is sun and a balcony and you already have the perfect ingredients for a fun afternoon with great food and good company.

Of course these days, it's completely normal to ask everyone about food preferences - vegetarian, vegan, allergies, intolerances. Everyone should eat what they enjoy and can tolerate. In restaurants, where dishes have to be prepared and served quickly, guests with food intolerances are a bit of a nuisance - I totally get that, as I've frequently had to cook for lots of people as well. On the other hand I myself need to adhere to a special diet and am a bit tired of always being THAT person. Also, in some restaurants, they will really make you feel awful about it and that makes it even worse. But you have to keep your chin up, don't you.
At my house, guests and their special requests are definitely honoured. So this time, I will be making a tofu burger.

Burgers are ideal for barbecues and parties with friends because everyone can assemble their own, be it with tofu, grain or veggie patties or as a classic meat burger - anything goes!

The same goes for the rolls: some people like a traditional burger bun, some a whole wheat roll. For me, it'll be a gluten-free burger brioche.

For a more intense flavour, I used smoked tofu, which I seasoned generously with gluten-free soy sauce (tamari), Sonnentor's Asian spice mix Yokos Tofugewürz (not just restricted to tofu, by the way), salt and pepper. Let this marinade until you're using it.

For the dressing, I made my very own mango salsa, which can also be eaten as a salad accompaniment and which has a lovely, fresh flavour.
Side note: here are my instructions on how to peel a mango efficiently. Everyone does this differently and it's not as easy as it would seem. Firstly, pick a mango that's ripe (if it isn't, let it sit at home for a few days until it's softer). Take a sharp knife and cut through the mango, lengthwise and along the pit. Take a spoon and trace as close along the pit as possible to remove it. Now cut the pulp into a checkerboard pattern, taking care not to damage the outer skin. Take the mango halves into your hands and push the skin from the outside in so the sliced pulp sticks out. Now the individually cut pieces can be picked off easily. This cutting method also works well if you're serving whole mangoes as part of a buffet, as they look really very pretty.

I've added some creamy avocado and crunchy carrot strips to my burger to enhance the flavour. So much goodness and freshness in each bite - enjoy!


Tofu Burger with Mango Salsa

2 burgers


  • 2 organic wheat rolls
  • 200g smoked tofu
  • 1 TBSP (peanut) oil for the marinade
  • 1-2 TBSP Yokos Tofugewürz (tofu spice mix)
  • 2 TBSP soy sauce for the marinade
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 lettuce leaves

For the salsa:

  • 1 small cucumber
  • 1 mango
  • 2 tomatoes on the vine
  • ½ bunch coriander
  • 1 pinch chilli powder
  • 1 spring onion
  • 1 garlic clove
  • ½ lime
  • 1-2 TBSP Yokos Tofugewürz (tofu spice mix) for the dressing
  • 2 TBSP soy sauce for the dressing
  • 2 TBSP (peanut) oil for the dressing
  • 2 TBSP vinegar
  • salt and pepper


  1. Cut the tofu crosswise into slices (around 1cm thick) and season with soy sauce, tofu spice mix, salt and pepper. Wash the tomatoes, cut the stems out in a wedge motion and cube the tomatoes evenly. Wash the cucumber and cut into cubes around 1cm in size.
  2. Peel the mango and cut into slices 2cm in size. Wash and finely chop the spring onion. Peel and finely chop the garlic. Squeeze the lime and wash, pick and finely chop the coriander. Add all the ingredients to a bowl, season with chilli, tofu spice mix, salt and pepper and finally add the peanut oil, lime juice, vinegar and soy sauce.
  3. Wash the lettuce and spin or shake dry. Peel the onion and cut into thin rings. Peel, top and tail the carrots, wash them and cut them into thin strips with a Y-shaped or julienne peeler. Peel and finely slice the avocado.
  4. Heat up oil in a pan and fry the tofu slices evenly on all sides. Halve the bread rolls and put the lettuce on one half as a base. Top with onion rings, carrot strips, tofu slices, avocado and the mango salsa and finally the second half of the bread roll. Serve with the tofu burgers and any leftover mango salsa.