6 Months of Foodtastic: Win a Kenwood Jug Blender

Wow, time flies! Foodtastic, my very own blog, is over 6 months old! Happy Birthday! I really wanted to write this post and feature the sweepstakes on the 5th of June, the very day of my half-year anniversary. Unfortunately, I had to postpone it all due to a cookbook shoot and a calendar that was full to bursting. But now I'm making it all up to you with a beautiful, yellow Kenwood jug blender Standmixer von Kenwood! I've got this one at home myself, and I absolutely love it! I use it to mix my own smoothies daily, they're my so-called „awesome day starters“…

I can very much recommend the Kenwood blender, not just because it makes my kitchen look great, but also because its 800 watt strong engine and 4 different speeds can really do a ton of things. The 1,6-litre glass jug handily serves as a measuring cup and works for left-handed and right-handed people.

The four speeds can crush ice, mix drinks, puree soups and prepare dips.

So here's your chance to win this beauty - a bright yellow Kenwood kMix Boutique Standmixer BLX63.

Here are the entry requirements: 

1.) Write a comment on this blog post and include a valid email address.

2.) Become a fan of Foodtastic auf Facebook.

The sweepstakes end next Monday, 14th July 2014 at 23:59.

Of course it would be great if you could share the sweepstakes link on Facebook and Twitter! 

The winner is determined via a random number generator and will be notified individually.

That's it! The end of our sweepstakes. Thanks so much for participating. Among the 123 comments, number 46 was the winner. Congratulations, Carina D.!

I also wanted to say a big, fat THANK YOU to all my faithful fans!

And colour-coordinated with the Kenwood Jug Blender, may I present to you my favourite smoothie recipe:



The Yellow Mango and Banana Smoothie


  • ½ mango
  • 200ml coconut milk
  • 1 banana
  • 2 TBSP lemon juice
  • 1 TBSP maple syrup or sugar
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 2 TBSP chia seeds (optional)


  1. Peel the mango (see cooking tip) and banana and add to the Kenwood Blender.
  2. Squeeze the lemon and add the juice to the mix.
  3. Add turmeric and coconut milk.
  4. If you like your smoothie sweet, add maple syrup or sugar to taste.
  5. The chia seeds are a delicious addition, and I think they will greatly enhance your smoothie. (I've talked about the healthy properties of chia seeds before). For my smoothie, I chose the fastest option by just scattering them over the mix right at the end - they make it look great as well, but ideally, you'd soak the seeds in water beforehand, for around 10-15 minutes, which softens them, gives them a gel-like consistency and makes them easier to grind in the mixer.


Cooking tip: How do I cut a mango? The best way to peel and cut a mango is as follows: take a very ripe mango (let it sit out for a while if it's still too hard). With a sharp knife, cut the mango lengthwise, along the pit. Take a spoon and run it as close to the pit as possible to scoop it out. Then make cuts to the pulp in a checkerboard pattern, taking care not to damage the skin. Take the mango halves in your hands and press the skin up so the cut flesh stands up. Now you can easily pick them off.