Berry-Apple Breakfast Crumble for Lovers

wir fuhren allein im dunklen automobil die ganze nacht,

wir ruhten einander am herzen

wir haben gescherzt und gelacht,

doch als es morgen tagte,

mein kind, wie staunten wir!

denn zwischen uns saß amor,

der blinde passagier.

A rough translation:
We drove in our dark automobile all night, just us
We were very still in each other's hearts
We joked and laughed
But when the morning came
Child, how wondrous
Sitting between us was Cupid
A blind passenger

Yes, it's Valentine's Day tomorrow! I have to confess that I'm not really into this very American of traditions, even if, 10 long years ago in New Zealand, I was asked on the most amazing Valentine's Day date. I even received a message in a bottle, nestled in between rosebuds in a wooden box. The beautiful vintage glass bottle contained a piece of handmade paper with the most poetic, beautiful words written on it. I don't think I'll ever forget that evening.

If you are still looking for Valentine's Day inspirations, I've got a great idea: homemade breakfast! Oh yes, this crumble here isn't just good for you but also absolutely delicious. As an alternative, you could make my coconut pancakes or the dreamy chocolate tea cake. Spoilt for choice!

Even though.... I have to admit that initially, I created this crumble for the new Sutterlütty-Magazin. Their latest issue features healthy family recipes - meaning recipes for your loved ones! I'll be posting some of those in the upcoming weeks and today, I'm beginning with breakfast. A wonderful start to an unforgettable Valentine's Day.

This crumble is jam-packed with healthy ingredients like apples, berries, oats and pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds contain a whole lot of goodness and have an extremely beneficial effect on our overall health. They are made of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E (known for its antioxidant capacity), beta-carotene, magnesium, iron, zinc and selenium.

And today, you don't just get a recipe. You also get a hymn to love.


Beloved Love

Happy, erotic love does not need to be tended to constantly. I does not need daily phone calls. It lives in the Now and occasionally makes it to Heaven. Even - and particularly - after a night of passion, the other one is almost forgotten. The self feels so young and fresh that it does not need human contact. The world is transfigured, clouds floating through the sky are an unprecedented occurrence. The ticket inspector on the train starts a conversation and forgets to check the ticket. Lovers balanced by lust have a different sort of pass. They are the homoeopathic cure for the ills of the world. Their happiness is alluring and seeps into everything and everyone like a Buddha's calm. For a little while there is no evil in the world; a counter-reality starts to take shape. In a place where a human, the most powerful and unpredictable of all the animals, surrenders to another and trusts without hurt, the balance of power is meaningless and a hint of a world without violence spreads its magic. Just for a moment.



Berry-Apple Breakfast Crumble for Lovers


  • 1 tart apple *
  • 1 pkg. mixed frozen berries
  • 150g oats
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • 50g honey or maple syrup
  • 50g pumpkin seeds or pecans**
  • 60g sunflower seeds
  • 1 tsp chia seeds (optional)
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 400ml milk or almond milk
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp vanilla
  • 1 TBSP butter or coconut oil
  • *with the peel because it contains all the most essential vitamins
  • **you can use any type of nut for this – hazelnuts or walnuts for example would work as well


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C (fan) or 200°C (upper/lower heat). Grease an ovenproof 20x25cm baking dish with butter or coconut oil. Wash, halve and core the apples and cut into fine slices. Put the apples and the berries (if they're still frozen, that's perfectly fine) into the dish in layers.
  2. Mix oats, baking powder and salt in a mixing bowl. In another bowl, whisk the eggs, add the milk as well as the cinnamon and vanilla.
  3. In a separate, small bowl, knead the honey, maple syrup, coconut oil/butter, pumpkin seeds/pecan nuts, sunflower seeds to a smooth mixture.
  4. Now evenly spread the oat mixture on top of the fruit mixture, pour the eggs over the whole thing, then spread the nuts and seeds on top and bake on the middle shelf in your pre-heated oven for around 35 minutes. Let cool for a bit before serving. Tastes great with vanilla yoghurt.



*mit Schale, denn in ihr stecken die wichtigsten Vitamine

**man kann fast alle Nüsse hierfür verwenden – z.B. Hasel- oder Walnüsse